Private swim lessons
At what age should my child start lessons?
Babies can and should start lessons as of 6 months old! The earlier a child gets initiated to the water, the less likely they are to develop a fear of it. Kids who are exposed to the water at a young age can begin to swim on their own as of two or three years old. From 6 to 24 months old, babies can learn to kick, pull themselves out of the pool, hold their breath underwater and float on their own.
How long will it take for my child to learn to swim?
One season is typically around 12 weeks. The time required to learn to swim is highly depend on the individual. Most three year olds and up can learn to swim across their pool and climb out on their own in about 8 lessons. However, some kids learn much faster and others are nervous around the water and need to become comfortable over many weeks before building the confidence to swim on their own. To give you an idea of what to expect for your child, check out our detailed steps to mastering the fundamentals here.
What happens in the case of bad weather?
During the year that isn’t a problem since the pool is indoor. During the summer, lessons continue rain or shine. If the weather is unsafe (thunder or cold temperatures) our instructor will have indoor activities prepared to teach first aid skills, adapted to the age of the swimmer. If you prefer to only hold lessons when the weather is nice, you always have the option to reschedule until 24hrs prior to the lesson!
My child has a friend of the same age, can I sign them up for lessons together?
À L’EAU SWIM only offers one-on-one private swim lessons. This approach allows the instructor to target specific weaknesses and enhance the unique strengths of each swimmer.
While some kids start lessons with the same swimming ability, often times one may progress at a different rate than the other. Splitting the lesson between multiple people means less swim time for everyone! However, you are welcome to sign them up together, for lessons following each other, which will allow them to observe and encourage each other. You will also benefit from a discounted price.
What if I don’t have a pool at home?
We offer swimming lessons at the family's residence only. Many families go to their friend’s or grandparent’s pool if they don’t have access to one themselves.
I have a pool in my backyard, can I sign up?
During the summer you absolutely can sign up! For year-round lessons families must have access to an indoor condo pool.